Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Do We Google too Much?

Do We Google too Much?

I see Google as a great resource/tool. I think that if people see it as a problem then they just shouldn’t use it. If anything, I think it’s actually making us smarter. Before there was Google, if someone wanted an answer to a random question they were having they might have just forgotten about it. Now that we can just pick up our phones and ask Siri to Google anything, were taking in a lot more information. As far as privacy, I’m not really sure, but luckily I haven’t had any problems yet. I think Google is a good thing- like most new technology, it’s helping to make our lives easier and a little more entertaining. 

Blogging About Bloggers

Blogging About Bloggers 
I was immediately drawn to Megan Reardon’s blog because my passion is in art and her blog is directed towards crafts. I like the whole “not Martha” ideal because it’s like saying, “I’m not a cliché.” She mentioned being interested in particular blogs because they remind her of reading someone’s diary. I think this is one thing that draws people to taking the time to read about someone else’s “gibberish,” we’re curious as to what’s going on in the mind of others, especially people that we know or are important.
The main thing that she said that I connected to was when she said that she started her blog to, “…keep track of links and ideas I was interested in or knew I’d want to reference later. It also worked as a place to keep notes on things I’d been doing.” I think if I were to start a personal blog this would be exactly what it would be used for. I like to gather a lot of ideas from Facebook and other resources such as Pinterest as well as any random ideas that pop into my head and keep them in my notes to try later. If I ever get around to doing them, I think it would be interesting to start a blog as a kind of journal to talk about/show case the experience/my ideas.
I thought it was interesting that when asked, she said that she did not enjoy writing papers in school and doesn’t seem to stick with one thing for very long. I can relate to this because I have a short attention span, and I am a huge procrastinator- mainly because I hate structure and feeling pressured.