Connecting Online Vs. Face-to-face
thing I’ve been thinking about that was talked about in Sherry Turkle’s Ted
Talk is the idea about the difference between connecting and conversation.
Basically you can't get to know someone on the same level online as you would
in person. We’re all so worried about appearances that we edit everything
before we post or send something. I think this can be a problem because not only
are you tailoring things so that people see you a certain way that may be completely
different from the truth, but it also causes people anxiety by overanalyzing
and misinterpreting. This also reminds me of online dating—how much can
you really get to know someone online?
I laughed when she mentioned that she hears a lot of people say,
"I'd rather text than talk." I would definitely agree that one
problem created by technology/social media is that it causes a lot of people to
not only prefer not to have face to face conversation, but it can also cause
people to have worse communication skills.