Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Social Media Bill of Rights

Social Media Bill of Rights

I’m kind of neutral on this topic of privacy as far as our rights online. I don’t necessarily think Lori Andrews goes to far with her proposal, however I don’t see how it would easily be enforced. This may prevent employers/schools from being able to ask someone for access to their page, but that doesn’t mean they can’t still try and look at it. How would anyone know if they did and if that affected their decision? And if someone was already an employee and their boss found something online that made them want to fire them, I’m sure they could easily make something else up or find some other way.

I would agree that when you post anything online, whether or not you think that it’s fair, you shouldn’t post it if there’s anyone out there that you wouldn’t want to see it. Part of the problem is that the younger generations are often too young to realize the ramifications of their actions or they just don’t care at that point (such as posting a picture of them at a party). Another problem with employers/school using this information to judge is that they may be to judgmental. In other words, what someone’s online self looks like may have no connection to how they would pull themselves together for work (although this is probably more relevant for say a part time job for a highschooler, than someone graduating from college and looking for a career). It may be annoying not being able to express certain things, but that's just the way it is. 

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