Too Many Options
The idea of there being just too much “stuff” out there in the world and
the problem that creates when trying to make decisions is an idea that I have
pondered over for some time. By “stuff” I’m not just referring to in the media
(for example, the fact that I can immediately name several popular social media
sites such as: Facebook, Tumbler, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, SnapChat, and
Myspace- if you have and actually contribute to this many at a time I would imagine you have a lot of free time).
I personally get major anxiety over choosing and making decisions, which
is probably why I only have Facebook and rarely ever post or do any interacting
other than looking at other people’s stuff. While this approach of keeping
things simple avoids anxiety, it can also be limiting because I realize that
there are many things I miss out on because of this. It’s interesting that we
say we like options and we’re all about customization and yet studies find that
too many options actually make people less likely to choose. I know I try to
avoid shopping as much as possible for this very reason (It will take me hours
usually because I am always so indecisive). Today in class something was
brought up in one person’s final project that I found really interesting- the
jam experiment.
I’ve never really thought about how many other people might experience
this anxiety and how that could affect things such as marketing, so I found the
research to be really interesting. This topic also makes me think about what it
must have been like way back in the pioneer days when “stuff” was extremely
minimal. I feel like if I were to take my boyfriends cellphone away, he
wouldn’t know what to do. Whether or not the plethora of stuff has brought on
more good or bad, I’m not sure, but I’m interested to see how things pan out in
the future.
I found this whole concept fascinating; it seems counter-intuitive, and yet, I've experienced the feeling of being overwhelmed by too many choices myself.